2014-11-06,当当销售排行,政治/军事 类,2014年10月 排名第 3 名
【内容简介】This collection brings together thirty - five letters and sermons of Augustine,bishops of Hippo from AD 396 to 430...,that deal with political matters .The letters and sermons areboth practical and principled and treat many essential themes in Augustine’s thought, including the responsibilities of citizenship,the relationship between the church and secular authority, reporsibilities of citizenship,the relationship between the church and secular authority,religious coercion, and war and peace.These texts complement Augustine’s classic the City Of God against the Pagans ,and give students direct insight into the political and social world of late antiquity with which Augustine was immediately involved.The slave trade,tax collection,clerical harassment and murder are amongst the topics with he deals,The volume contains clear,accurate,modern translations,together with a concise introduction and informative notes designed to aid the student encountering Augustine’s life and thought for the first time.
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- 马列毛邓[1145]
- 哲学、宗教[6248]
- 社会科学总论[3468]
- 政治、法律[7679]
- 军事[460]
- 军事理论[24]
- 世界军事[71]
- 中国军事[109]
- 亚洲各国军事[13]
- 欧洲各国军事[17]
- 美洲各国军事[14]
- 战略学、战役学、战术学[130]
- 军事技术[81]
- 军事地形学、军事地理学[1]
- 经济[9786]
- 文化、科学、教育、体育[3891]
- 语言、文字[9930]
- 文学[31371]
- 艺术[7859]
- 历史、地理[6437]
- 自然科学总论[540]
- 自科理论与方法论[269]
- 科现状及发展[37]
- 自科机构、团体、会议[2]
- 自科研究方法[12]
- 自科教育与普及[102]
- 自科丛书、文集、报刊[9]
- 自科参考工具书[3]
- 自科科学调查、考察[12]
- 自然研究、自然历史[14]
- 系统科学[80]
- 数理科学和化学[6616]
- 天文学、地球科学[891]
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- 工业技术[20854]
- 交通运输[902]
- 航空、航天[303]
- 航空、航天技术的研究与探索[18]
- 航空[224]
- 航天(宇宙航行)[60]
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- 环境科学、安全科学[768]
- 综合性图书[329]
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